Explore this photo album by Ace Combat Fan on Flickr! Feb 03, 2019 I made an alternate Ace Combat's Strangereal Earth map where the huge landmass on the Antarctia (that's how they spell it in the canon map) split off and created a new continent below Usea. Asetralia is meant to be a mix of East Asia and Australia, like Usea was supposed to be a.
For your reading pleasure, I recommend pulling up a map of Strangereal to help visualize what's happening. The Ace Combat wikia has a pretty reliable one, which I've been using along with the games themselves to put this all together.
Personal opinion, I think people who write Worldwar stories underestimate how quickly the Race can cover ground in the initial stages, even against a modern foe. Not everywhere will have troops to defend it or something to shoot a starship down. Assuming they space out their landing sites, they could be spread out over 100s of square miles within just a few days. That's what the source material did- putting them across the entire planet. Whether they could hold it though..
December 10/11th: Race landings commence across the planet. Only 12,000 killercraft are launched this time and mostly attack Tosevite forces near the landing sites or patrol them; only a few strikes are sent out. Landcruiser and helicopter units are the first ones to disembark and are ordered to head out and establish a perimeter. The landings prompt mass evacuations from hundreds of human cities.
Usea: Two starships land in northwest Erusea and a further two in southeast Erusea and immediately start disgorging troops despite harassment from FEAF aircraft that result in some killercraft losses. 10,000 Erusian troops dig in at Whisky Corridor, intending to use the same choke point that nearly stopped ISAF to withstand the invaders. Another 50,000 troops, the bulk of the Erusian Army, dig in around Farbanti and 4,000 prepare defenses on the Gunther peninsula bordering the gulf.
Six Race ships land in southern San Salvacion, four not too far from where Stonehenge once stood and two near the Amber/Ugellas border. 300,000 of the forces are intended to head east and invade the FCU, while the other 60,000 are to occupy southern San Salvacion and Ugellas before heading south into Amber. The city of San Salvacion and nearby military forces are heavily bombed as a single starship makes landfall right outside the Capital. The fighting is fierce, however and the killercraft screen is quickly weakened while troops and resistance fighters dig in for urban combat.
Ugellas is in no state to mount any resistance, and the only defense are 2,000 FCU peacekeepers. Delarus, weary of the ships that landed in northwest Erusea, order three infantry brigades to the border. The rest of its Army, only 10,000 troops, is ordered to the southern border with San Salvacion. In Amber, an infantry division and an armored brigade are posted on its border with San Salvacion. The border with Erusea is guarded only by two mechanized brigades, and Amber's leaders rightly fear a two front war. A Federal Usean Navy carrier group equipped with a squadron of X-02s is dispatched into the gulf with orders to assist Amber and Erusea however possible.
Race landings in the FCU are focused in the Altoora Desert on the country's north coast, a relatively uninhabited area. Ten starships make landfall with only limited harassment by FCU aircraft. Most of the FCU's 400,000 strong Army are deployed along the southern and eastern states, and the Lambert Mountains separate the two armies.
A decision is quickly made to form a defensive line on the east coast at the narrowest point,58 miles, between the mountains and the channel that runs inland from Expo City. Evacuations are ordered from the rest of the northern states and the FCU withdraws most of its military forces. A infantry division near the Delarus-FCU border is ordered to fortify the border and reinforce its ally if possible. Another division is ordered to defend the northeast coastal city of St. Ark. The FCU's 6th Fleet, based around the carrier Fort Grace, is ordered from Port St. Ark into the northern inland sea to strike at the landing sites. FCU generals decide to keep five of the country's armored and mechanized divisions in the more open western half to oppose The Race landings in San Salvacion.
Unknown to The Race, the FCU had ordered the deployment of a secret weapon from one of its islands after North Point was bombed: A new Dragonet II Class ballistic missile submarine, the Sessrúmnir. Though not equipped with missiles as powerful as the Scinfaxi class subs (themselves counterfeits of the original Dragonet Class submarines), it is capable of launching five high speed cruise missiles simultaneously at ranges exceeding 200 miles and is equipped with long range anti-air weaponry and 8 VTOL fighters. The sub is also carrying two of the ten nuclear bombs possessed by the FCU. The submarine arrives off North Point just as the landings begin.
As a single starship descends towards North Point escorted by 80 killercraft, the sub surfaces long enough to launch missiles at it. The missiles prove too fast for Race killercraft to intercept and all five impact the massive and slow moving ship, causing it to crash mostly into the sea. It is the first starship lost in the conflict. Race killercraft rush towards the launch point, and the submarine shoots several down before diving again. Though its military and government are gone, North Point remains un-invaded for the time being.
By midnight, all surviving Race forces tasked with subjugated Usea are landed and are organizing at their landing sites. ISAF Air Forces continue probing the killercraft screens while ground forces continue to form defensive positions. Across all of Usea, thousands of former resistance fighters prepare resume the role should the situation come to that.
Osean Continent: Although a hundred killercraft are shot down and a few starships damaged by surviving Coastal Defense Force SAMs, Race landings in Osea are successful. Landings are primarily made near major Osean industrial areas, mainly around its inland sea and in North Osea, formerly southern Belka. Fifteen and five starships respectively land in these areas. Six starships land not too far from the Osean Capital of Oured, and the Osean government is quickly evacuated onto warships in Oured Bay. Groups of three or four starships land across the rest of the vast nation, and by the end of the day are in place to conquer the entire superpower.
The same scene plays out in the northern and eastern countries as one starship lands in each. The only variation is in Belka, where Grey Men fighters and SAMs pick off killercraft squadrons using the snowstorms to sneak close to the landing site in the Belkan plains. With over 30 Aces from the Belkan War in their service, the skies above Belka and North Osea stay firmly human controlled. Around this time, the Belkan team working on the SOLG are transferred as prisoners to a Race research ship for interrogation.
The contingent assigned to the southern countries begin landings in Aurelia and Leasath. Both landings are only mildly opposed by the smaller countries. Aurelia, a small nation of only fifteen million, fortifies its capital with 40,000 troops after landings are made in the south. Leasath's leader orders the deployment of the country's fanatical Special Forces, including its chemical warfare Hamlet Unit with several containers of poison gas. The others are given two of the only three nuclear bombs Leasath has. Their orders are explicit: use whatever methods necessary to keep the enemy from advancing from the two landing sites in Leasath.
Anea: The sun rises over the continent as all three nations prepare for the landings. 300,000 Emmerian troops are deployed in three corps around the country: the 3rd Corps stationed near the Estovakian border and Gracemeria, the 1st Corps spread out through the country's south and central areas with a strong concentration around San Loma on the southern peninsula, and 30,000 troops of the 2nd Corps spread throughout western Emmeria and Khesed Island. Over 2,000,000 Estovakians, most of them irregular soldiers and militia, stand ready throughout the fractured country. 90,000 Nordennavic troops prepare defenses on the continental portion of their nation.
Despite harassment from Emmerian and Nordennavic aircraft, five starships successfully land in the Molach Desert, unknowingly splitting Anea, Emmeria, and the Emmerian Military in half. Due to the largely uninhabited desert landscape, the Race enjoy a peaceful landing once the human aircraft are repulsed. Another starship lands on Khesed Island just as easily.
Two starships land just within Nordennavic's borders on the Anean mainland with little difficulty. Three more attempt to make landings on the two largest northwestern islands. The Nordennavic Navy opens fire on all three ships and their escorts as they land, damaging them and destroying half their escorts. Despite this, all five ships successfully land and start disembarking forces. Navy ships continue firing on Race forces and aircraft when practical.
In Estovakia, four Race starships land on the sparsely defended southern peninsulas and combat units begin forming up unopposed. Due to the EMP, the Military Government in unaware of this though. Seven more prepare to land in western Estovakia just outside the nation's former capital. As part of its Aerial Fleet Initiative, the Eastern Faction has been slowly producing and stocking up on Nimbus Missiles, its locally produced burst missiles. Once the first ships were spotted, several had been loaded into conventional launchers and prepped just in case. Though not employed during the first wave due to the heavy allied air cover, the incoming starships force Estovakia's hand and six are order launched at the incoming force. As was the case during the initial tests, they are guided to their target by a modified AWACS plane within Eastern Faction airspace.
Three detonate in the midst of the dense killercraft screens coming down to patrol the landing sites, destroying over a hundred of them. One detonates below a starship, frightening the Shiplord in command into aborting the landing. Two Nimbus Missiles strike Race ships directly, causing catastrophic damage that causes the ships to crash, unfortunately causing civilian and LUF casualties. Out of fear of further missile attacks, the other four starships abort their landings and return to orbit with escorts not far behind. Despite the successful landings in the south, Estovakia has room to breathe.
This event coming right after the shoot down over North Point shocks the Conquest Fleet Hierarchy, Atvar especially. Although his attention is still on the current landings, he begins considering further employment of their explosive metal bombs against both Estovakia and (under the mistaken impression the country was responsible) North Point. In only days, the Tosevites have proved to be far ahead of The Race in missile technology. Despite this, The Race establishes various footholds on Anea and troops are already forming up for further attacks.
Emmeria and Nordennavic, equally shocked, send inquires to the Eastern Faction on the missiles. The Belkan scientists working on the Estovakian Aerial Fleet implore The Generals to reveal the project to the LUF and the other countries while they're still strong. They claim that not only can the Aerial Fleet defend the entire continent from attack, but that it can be completed in only three months if they have the help and resources of the whole continent, rather than one impoverished half of Estovakia. Thinking their borders are safe, the military leadership are wary of the idea.
Verusa: Under heavy air cover, 40 Race starships land in Yuktobanina's Jilache Desert, the Shiplord in charge of Yuktobania intending to use the favorable climate as a base of operations for conquering the Tosevite Empire. The desert, laying between the Osean beachhead and Cinigrad, is being used as a key Osean transport hub and base for bomber squadrons in Yuktobania. Race forces quickly destroy Osean air defenses and capture the nearby air bases, giving their killercraft squadrons a good place to launch from.
Although Race forces do not realize the significance at the time, they also manage to capture several Osean prisoners and aircraft on the ground intact, including two Osean B-1 stealth bombers that were not destroyed by base security. They do immediately recognize five atomic weapons when they locate them; Osea had moved them to its forward deployed bombers in case the war escalated. Aside from providing a good jumping off point for invading northern, eastern, and central Yuktobania, taking the Jilache Desert will provide The Race with a good amount of intelligence on the Tosevite's military equipment.
Two other major landings take place in the country: Eight starships land in southern Yuktobania right outside Gunizudo. Another six land together in northwest Yuktobania, near its western borders. In total, it is only half of the forces intended for the country. The rest are planned to land in the following days once the forces already deployed begin their offensives. Hampered by inexperience and lack of supplies respectively, around four million Yuktobanian and Osean troops dig in deeper where they are and send up only local air patrols.
From the safety of the Osean Fleet in the Ceres Ocean, General Howell, the commander of Osean forces in Yuktobania, urges his troops to hold out against these invaders and prepare to return home to defend their country. His words are only that though- between the Navy's shortage of weapons and the dearth of transport ships, getting the forces out of the country is completely impossible.
Race landings throughout the southern and western countries prove nearly as easy as the eastern Osean nations. Armed mostly with old Yuktobanian stocks that were wrecked by the EMPs, none of the countries can seriously oppose the landings. Multiple pairs and trios of starships land at points throughout and perimeters are set up.
December 12th: By this day, over a million Race males have left their starships and the landing zones have been thoroughly fortified with ground positions, anti-air sites, and anti-missile defenses. Realizing control of the skies in critical, The Race implicates a 4 shift daily schedule to ensure that there are killercraft in the air with rested pilots every moment of the day. This day also starts to see the first deployments of Race refueling and transport craft.
As soon as the sun rises, The Race launch their first major ground offensive on Tosev 3. Race offensive aerial forces have already been reduced to 63% of their original number operational, with several starships already completely empty after reorganizations. 10% of those are posted of permanent patrol around the landing zones. The rest, many still operating from their ships in orbit, are given free rein to bomb Tosevite cities and forces to try and bring the war to a close as fast as possible.
Human forces have fortified defenses on the ground to the best of their ability. However, save for Osea and Yuktobania, none have their economies seriously geared towards war and troop and supply shortages are quickly expected to become a problem.
Osean Continent: With only half trained troops and police in their way, Race landcruisers, troop carriers, and infantry roll unopposed into Osean cities and by the first day most industrial areas and centers of local government have been taken over- 35% of the country in total. The only true resistance is in Oured, where superior numbers allow The Race to still break into the Capital of Osea. The Osean population are bewildered by the aliens, but their near complete abandonment by the central government leaves many too stunned to resist. No military threat present and complete occupation expected within days, The Race looks into the capabilities of Osean industry and setting up a proper government in the newest addition to their Empire.
The Osean Marines that had departed from Yuktobania a few days past are passing south of Aurelia when the news comes in. The warships carrying the Vice President and Chiefs of Staffs agree to head south and meet the amphibious group. They are joined by two surviving warships from the Sapin Navy.
Efforts to capture the former South Belka and Belka itself are not as smooth. The Race still don't expect an armed threat and troops and killercraft assigned to the nation are slow and cautious in their advance due to the weather. Although Race helicopters lift forces into the Capital Dinsmark and quickly uproot Belka's civilian government, they do not know about the Grey Men and bypass many of their remote and hidden bases. The Belkan nationalist organization decides it is time to come out of the shadows.
The leaders publicly declare their presence and vow to defend the Belkan people and return the nation to its former glory. Members of its armed wing publicly march through several smaller towns on their way south with the same pride as 15 years ago. The Belkan population is urged to join them and are promised weapons and resources to aid them. Only 4,000 strong when they first began, over 12,000 Belkans are now heading south to meet the invaders. The Grey Men's aerial forces continue downing small groups of aircraft and helicopters and bombing Race forces in both Belka and Osea. Snow is expected in the region for the next two weeks, and they intend to use every day of it to their advantage.
In North Osea, the leader of Grunder industries makes a similar call to Belkans still living in the area. As the entire company is located in North Osea, he is not guaranteed as much protection from the Grey Men's armed wing. Nearly 3,000 Belkans, many former soldiers as well, hear the call and head for the facilities around the state. Against them are still over 300,000 Race troops in North Osea alone.
Wellow proves to be more then The Race bargained for. Despite the lack of an armed threat, save for a few special police units, the takeover is far from smooth. One of the most northern countries, Wellow is extremely cold this time of year. Males who stay out of their vehicles or shelter for more then a few minutes quickly suffer cold related injuries and deaths. The shiplord in charge is not immediately dissuaded and forces slowly but surely begin spreading across the island nation.
Despite this, efforts in the rest of the eastern countries go as smooth as in Osea: Civilian leaders are captured and the countries' industry and resource production centers are secured. The Race's presence is particularly heavy in the Nordlands, the eastern most country. Across a channel, less than 50 miles in some places, lies Erusea. The Race see the Nordlands as a potential transport hub between Osea and Usea, as well as a possible place to strike at Erusea.
In Aurelia, 80% of the country is under Race control already, mainly the southern half. By Griswall, the Navy destroys its east coast highway after Race troops are reporting advancing on it from Santa Elva, which has since been completely over run. Over 60 civilians are killed in the operation, and thousands more are trapped. Killercraft attacks continue on the Aurelian Capital while the Race consolidate their control over the mostly rural country.
Leasath's Special Forces are eager to obey their leader's orders. At the northern landing zone where one starship landed, the SF team attempts to sneak within range of the actual ship before sunrise, but are discovered by the gathered Race forces. A firefight ensures and the team detonates the bomb. Still condensed near the landing sight, 40,000 males are killed outright, and many more suffer burns and radiation poison that is expected to kill thousands more in the coming hours and days. Hundreds of vehicles and aircraft are destroyed or rendered useless by both the electromagnetic pulse and radiation.
The detonation is immediately picked up on the Bannership, but the EMP reaches far enough to damage the starship and leaves the forces at the landing site isolated and severely disorganized. A detachment from Hamlet Unit uses the chaos to launch gas containers at the surviving concentrations. Chemical warfare never existing in The Race's history, they have no idea how to respond and the death count quickly increases. The southern landing site suffers 94% casualties and is defeated before even moving out.
On Leasath's southerm border where two starships have landed, the occurrence is similar. The team there is successful in smuggling the nuke close enough to destroy one starship when it detonates in a timed blast that kills 35,000 males. The concentrations near the other ship is bombarded by the bulk of the Hamlet Unit. They are quickly found and destroyed by killercraft, but not before killing thousands of males and disorganizing the rest. Leasath's Army and Air Force advance on the landing sites with the intention of finishing off the invaders.
Leasath's leader praises the sacrifice of the Special Forces as an example for the country and makes it clear to the populace that the country will not go quietly against an obviously weak foe. Despite knowing they possessed them, the Tosevites' eagerness to use the weapons quickly spreads and shocks shiplords across the Conquest Fleet. They wonder if the war could escalate into an exchange that will kill millions of males and the planet itself.
Still overseeing the landings, the Fleetlord can't let those fears cloud his mind. He does decide though that a harder line may be needed against their enemy. An explosive metal bomb attack is planned on Leasath the following day, using bombs from the 56th Emperor Josanno, a starship that landed in Osea and is carrying most of the Conquest Fleet's atomic inventory.
Anea: The losses in Leasath still fresh in his mind and fearful of the 'supermissiles', Atvar reluctantly decides repercussions must be extracted for the Estovakian attack on the landing ships, and at midday orders explosive metal bombs dropped on five industrial cities throughout the country from high altitude, with the groups being small to avoid provoking further burst missile attacks. The two sites in western Estovakia, un-patrolled and virtually undefended after the first strike, disappear under nuclear hellfire. Of the three intended for the other half, two of the strike groups are intercepted by Eastern Faction fighters. One city though, is destroyed. The attack enrages the entire country and prompts fear in Emmeria and Nordennavic.
The surviving Race troops meant for Estovakia choose instead to land in the Molach Desert and cross into Estovakia on the ground once the initial forces that landed move out. Although the Race do not fully understand the Nimbus Missiles, they only believe them to be anti-air weapons. Killercraft assigned to Estovakia instead choose to focus on bombing Emmerian positions and cities, killing thousands and brewing negative feelings between Emmeria and their neighbor. Race forces on the Estovakian peninsulas start driving north with no resistance and are appalled by the poverty and state of the war torn country.
From the Molach Desert, Race ground forces begin heading east, west, and south. Killercraft attacks again target Gracemeria and the southern industrial cities like San Loma with high casualty rates on both sides. Ragno Fortress to the west of the landing site is also bombed to allow Race troops to reach the western half of the country. Heavy anti-aircraft fire keeps them at bay, and the surrounding canyons offer protection to Emmerian fighters which quickly learn to use them as cover to pop up and fire from. 90,000 males begin driving south towards Gracemeria and by the end of the day are engaging human defenders from Fort Norton near the Alma River just north of the city.
Window.open javascript. On Khesed Island, Bartolomeo Fortress in the northeast becomes the last hold out for 12,000 Emmerian troops against three hundred killercraft and 60,000 Race males. Built on a mountain with many defensive emplacements though, they are well defended from both. But their retreat allows for most of the cities on the island to fall to Race control.
Race troops in continental Nordennavic begin their advance north, occupying towns as they go. The main defensive line is outside the Capital on the northern coast, but several platoons of soldiers behind the lines soon become a nuisance for The Race, attacking advancing columns and rear units and quickly retreating into the snowy countryside where they are invisible. The cold in Nordennavic, just above freezing temperature, makes the weather intolerable for Race infantry males and many take shelter in buildings rather then patrolling the occupied areas, which only invites more hit and run attacks.
The situation on the Nordennavic islands is worse due to the cold wind blowing in from the sea. Within the first five hours of advancing, over a hundred males are reported dead from cold related injuries. Rather then taking control of the hundreds of mines and industrial areas throughout the mineral rich country, Race vehicles take to parking outside as to only keep the Tosevites from using them. Attempts to bomb the mines and industrial areas on the smaller Nordennavic islands are intercepted by its Navy. Knowing they severely underestimated the risks here, the Shiplords appeal to Atvar for a change in the plan.
Verusa: Race forces in the southern Yuktobania quickly spread out and occupy dozens of towns and cities, including Gunizudo. Resistance is weak from the spread out and under-armed Osean and Yuktobanian troops. By the end of the first day, Race forces have already captured some border areas and are quickly spreading towards the east coast.
600,000 Race males depart from the Jilache Desert east and northeast with the key city of Okchaburst as the final objective. Like in the south, the area is guarded mostly by second line units only in the main cities. A raid by just over 500 killercraft eases their path as they occupy towns along the way. The only untouched area is the Bastok Peninsula, where the OMDF still has weight and a mix of 11,000 Osean troops in defensive positions for the oncoming offensive.
Before a million disembarked Race troops head for Cinigrad and the main concentration of Osean and Yuktobanian forces, a massive raid of 3,000 killercraft is organized to bomb the city and troops around it. At the last moment, Atvar orders an explosive metal bomb to be included in the strike.
As in the first instance, air defense sites scattered throughout the country pick off killercraft before they even reach their targets. Once there, human fighters and more anti-air defenses continue the job. The killercraft carrying the EMB is damaged by Yuktobanian flak cannon fire south of Cinigrad and tries to flee, eventually crashing in the remote countryside without its payload detonating. Yuktobanian troops reach the crash site first and, recognizing the weapon, remove it and disappear before Race search and rescue alive. Atvar is not pleased by the news.
The strike results in a loss of nearly another thousand killercraft, although they do again chip away at the Tosevite's ability to oppose them in the air. Progress against their actual ground units though, is insignificant. Race commanders decide to proceed anyway and order units to advance towards the Tosevite armies. Race forces are engaged by small garrisons of Osean troops during these movements, suffering small losses.
Race troops who landed west of Cinigrad find an undefended country and focus on occupying the nearby cities and securing Yuktobania's western borders and northern coast. Deployments are ordered to the highlands overlooking Cinigrad.
Since Osea is intended to the be the center of Race logistics for the invasion, local killercraft commanders, now knowing how powerful naval anti-air is, attempt again to remove the OMDF from the Ceres Ocean to open up a safe air corridor between the two continents. Osean Naval Aviation is prepared and, utilizing its strengths like the AIM-54, E/A-18G, and the stealthy F-35C, tear apart most of the strike before they even reach the ocean. Some killercraft do get through and sink two warships and damage a few more. The Yuktobanian Navy is not attacked, although the few ports it still has in the northern part of the country are bound to be captured during The Race's northern advance.
The southern Verusian countries fall apart quickly under the massive numbers of Race forces and their desire to quickly conquer the continent they believe poses the most threat. Though ground forces remain, the EMP has robbed them of any control in the air and the surviving forces either scatter or desert. The western countries face the same fate. Unlike the southern countries though, the western nations, longtime hotbeds for civil conflicts and mercenary groups, are filled with irregular fighters that melt into the surroundings as many towns and cities are occupied.
Usea: From the northwest Erusian landing site, 30,000 Race troops head east towards Delarus. The other 90,000 head south towards Farbanti as the city faces heavy bombing from killercraft. A Race landcruiser force breaks off from the advance to engage Erusian troops in Whisky Corridor. But while the desert landscape is familiar to The Race, it does not offer an advantage. Artillery in the mountains disorganizes many columns and anti-air troops continue harass and shoot down killercraft. Helicopters that try and find these positions are more often then not shot down. The Erusian defenders have actually embedded themselves in trenches and bunkers still standing from the battle four years ago, and in the wide open landscape they can easily spot and call fire on Race vehicles. Despite this, the Erusians are few in number and many killercraft do manage to slip through and bomb them.
From the southeast Erusea landing site, 60,000 Race troops start advancing along the southern Erusian coast towards Farbanti, spreading onto the Gunther peninsula in the process. Erusian and FCU aircraft bomb these troops as they advance in a display of unity not seen since the 1998 crisis. 30,000 males begin advancing northwest between the Amber and Lambert Mountains, towards Whisky Corridor.
30,000 cross the Amber border and engage forces there. The 9,000 Amber troops, having been protected from enemy air attack by Mobius Squadron and Amber and FCU Naval Aviation throughout the night, use their experience and prepared defenses aided by air strikes to temporarily keep the enemy from crossing the border. Due to the proximity to the landing site though, killercraft are constantly in the area and even the legendary Mobius Squadron can't keep them completely safe as the country's stock of anti-air ordinance quickly drains. Once the ground attack is beaten back, high command orders the surviving Amber troops to retreat south towards the coast where their last air base and Usean navies can aid them. This retreat is covered by Federal Usean Navy electronic warfare craft, which prove remarkably effective and causes Race forces on the ground to stop their advance and killercraft to vacate the area as all communications are cut off.
Despite occasional air support, the rest of Amber's Army on the San Salvacion border are in danger so close to the landing sites. They too are ordered to retreat before Race forces move south to engage them. They are harassed the entire way by killercraft, killing thousands before jammer support arrives. Amber's Prime Minister barely survives being evacuated as dozens of cities are bombed by killercraft.
In the city of San Salvacion, Race troops have a hard time advancing due to the water that surrounds and separates the Capital, allowing local troops to bombard and slow them while hundreds of civilians start fleeing the city. With a starship right outside the city though, Race killercraft crowd the skies and indiscriminate attacks soon turn some of the streets red with blood.
From the southern San Salvacion landing zone, Race forces begin moving east into the FCU and the first units are stopped just over the border by two armored divisions. FCU fighters and stealth fighters engage Race killercraft while strike craft bomb Race columns and artillery positions. The action keeps the numerically superior Race from making much progress on the first day.
While ground forces deploy east and south from the Altoora landing site, Race killercraft attempt to pass over the Lambert Mountains and bomb the southern FCU. Anti-air sites set up in the mountains and the nation-wide network beyond keep most of them out. FCU infantry divisions are deployed along the mountain to keep The Race from slipping through.
Elements of the FCU 120th Airborne Division drop on North Point to help restore order and security to country. Close to a quarter of a million civilians have already been evacuated from the north FCU by plane and boat and thousands more have already fled over or through the mountains, though several million people are still in the country's northeast. Fighters, including X-02s, from the Fort Grace try and keep killercraft away from St. Ark where most of the evacuees are or are heading. The Sessrúmnir is ordered to join the 6th Fleet in the northern inland sea.
The first units begin arriving at the planned defensive line and combat engineers begin work. Navy ships begin taking positions along the east coast, near Expo City, and along the channel running inland. Military leaders are confident they can confine enemy forces to this point, as there is no way to get substantial forces through the mountains. Some are worried of a possible landing in the southern states though, bypassing the line.
With a few days to breath before the northern landings reach them and the western front holding, the FCU evaluates how it can further help its allies in ISAF. The 6th Airborne Division, which is based on Tyler Island south of Erusea, has the capacity to be dropped anywhere south of the Lambert Mountains. None of the lines in either Erusea or Amber seem stable enough to risk the whole division, however. They ultimately decide to send one of their light carriers with escort to Farbanti to aid the Erusian Navy.
Although reluctant to employ them, a squadron of B-1 stealth bombers based on Skully Island south of Usea is loaded with six nuclear weapons. But with a well-equipped Army that is 50% veterans, the FCU is confident they can contain the landings for the time being. Most of the rest of its stealth bomber force- eight B-2s and twenty four F-117s- are relocated to one of the FCU's eastern islands, within striking range of the planned defensive line. The rest is relocated to Tyler Island.
The situation across the entire planet is hard to gauge. The Race has made great progress on its first day ground invasion, putting forces across great swaths of territory particularly on the Osean and Verusan continents. Despite this, a lot of human military forces remain on the planet, either in hiding or in isolated but defended positions. The Race has already encountered weapons they have no concept of or counter-measures.
The first instances of land warfare, however small, allows a proper comparison of the two forces. Due to the wide array of mixed equipment, the human abilities vary wildly, but in general even older equipment is capable of engaging The Race's forces capably. Newer human made tanks, such of Osean Abrams, Usean Challenger 2s, Belkan Leopard 2s, and Yuktobania T-80s prove even superior to landcruisers. The Race's standardized artillery only has a range of 10 miles, putting it behind some of its Tosevite opposites. Their missile artillery, however, proves very effective. Unfortunately, there is only one launcher assigned for every 10,000 males and missiles are scarce.
As in the air, Race tactics on the ground surprise and are exploited by the human militaries. Landcruisers are sent without infantry escort, allowing human infantry to engage them with some success. Though armed as well as most IFVs, Race troop carriers and infantry are not noticed as cooperating as well as human mechanized infantry. Race infantry dispatched by helicopter do not organize for follow up forces and are isolated and destroyed fairly easily.
Despite these exploits and tech advantages, the sheer number of enemy forces, ill-preparedness, and Race control of the air manages to keep the human militaries either in retreat or completely on the defensive. At the same time though, Race ground commanders are appalled by the losses they do sustain, around 50,000 on the first day, and are struggling to understand how the Tosevites and their weapons fight.
For another day, killercraft losses steadily continue and are expected to be under 50% within under a week at the current pace. Maintenance males are in too few supply to fix all of the thousands of damaged killercraft returning from the battlefields, and engagements so far have used up an alarming amount of spare parts and munitions brought by the Conquest Fleet. Should things continue at their current pace, Race aerial operations will have to be scaled back within weeks, weakening the one clear advantage they do have.
Prospect of a quick victory begins slipping from the minds of many in the Conquest Fleet. With the revelation these aliens aren't very different to themselves, the human powers start to see a solid prospect they'll survive this new war. But at the same time they are experienced enough to know a hard war is still in front of them.
Qualcomm hs-usb qdloader 9008 driver gsm forum. Qualcomm HS-USB QDLoader 9008 Driver is a must-have driver to install on your PC that you need if you want to connect your Snapdragon chipset-based devices with your computer. In today’s smartphone industry, most of the giant smartphone makers like Samsung, Xiaomi, Lenovo, OnePlus, etc. Use Qualcomm Processor in their smartphones. This package (QualcommQDLoaderHS-USBDriver64bitSetup.zip) contains Qualcomm HS-USB QDLoader 9008 Drivers for Windows 10/7/8/8.1 64-Bit OS. This Qualcomm QDLoader Driver helps in detecting the device when it is connected to PC in EDL Mode or Download Mode.
Another fast paced third person chapter. I will probably stop using these eventually, once things slow down. And believe me, they will slow down soon. Anyone want to place bets yet on where The Race will be defeated first?