Can I transmit audio from iPhone to Mac via a Bluetooth A2DP profile? Ask Question. There might be a software solution to get the Mac to support A2DP as a client but I don't know of one. Although when I've used it there is a 1-2 second lag, making it impractical for realtime use, but good for streaming music. Share improve this answer.
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What computer are you using? I remember that Apple upgraded the PowerBook line with Bluetooth 2.0 which had the selling point of 'EDR' or 'Enhanced Data Rate'. I don't remember what Bluetooth 1.1's bandwidth was, but I do know that 2.0's is about 3.0Mbps.
Can somebody please verify the differences in bandwidth between Bluetooth 1.1 and 2.0 by using a set of Bluetooth headphones and some sort of keyboard/mouse combo?
The computer model shouldn't matter very much. Maybe really old Macs can't handle it, but we have a PowerBook here that's several years old and does NOT have EDR-capable hardware, yet it handles stereo music over Bluetooth just fine to our iMuffs wireless headphones. I haven't confirmed, but my guess is that Leopard provides Bluetooth 2.0 for any Mac with Bluetooth. It might not be able to do EDR for every machine because that may require newer hardware. But the difference between Bluetooth 1.2 and 2.0 is usually just software.
Disclaimer: I work for Wi-Gear, makers of the iMuffs.
Have you tried changing the output using Audio Midi Setup from the Utilities folder and choosing Configure Speakers?
Submitter here: I'm using a MacBook Pro 2.33 Ghz, so I have no idea how the bluetooth bandwidth is using Bluetooth 1.1.
Maybe it's just my device, but I've already had five or so kernel panics while streaming stereo audio. Otherwise, no panics. I have a pair of Spider headphones I bought at Radio Shack a while ago, so it could be either end that isn't quite up to spec, but the OS shouldn't kernel panic over it regardless.
Guthrie k.m. capital cost estimating chem eng. Free 3d home design software. 76(6), pp 114 142 (1969). Does anyone know if it's possible to use both headset and headphone at the same time? I'd like to use a stereo bluetooth headset with some online games like secondlife, but I can only use the mic when it's in the low quality 'headset' mode, which sucks.
Despite what Wikipedia says about Bluetooth 2.0+EDR, it should be pointed out that EDR is an optional part of the Bluetooth 2.0 spec, so just because a device says it can do 2.0 does not mean it gets any of the speed benefits of EDR. In particular, if you have an older Mac and get Leopard, you may not get EDR speed. And furthermore, even if your Mac supports EDR, the device on the other end needs to support it as well in order to get any benefits. There are very few stereo Bluetooth headphones out there that support EDR.
BTW, there is enough bandwidth in regular Bluetooth 1.2 and 2.0 to handle stereo streaming. It's got a 1mbps limit and the stereo profile needs between 200 and 350kbps depending on the quality of the compression the transmitter chooses. But in addition to that minimum bandwidth, if there is any interference and a packet is lost, it uses a little extra bandwidth to retransmit the packet so you never notice.
There's enough bandwidth for stereo Bluetooth and a Bluetooth mouse at the same time. But if there are lots of lost packets and there isn't enough room for retransmits, you'll start noticing cut-outs, or even complete loss of sound.
Disclaimer: I work for Wi-Gear, makers of the iMuffs
Generally speaking, it is not possible to use both the headset profile and headphones profile at the same time so you can't get microphone input and high-quality stereo output at the same time. As soon as you turn on the mic, your audio will drop down to mono. I know; bummer for games or speech recognition applications.
I do hope the Bluetooth SIG comes up with a new profile to handle this soon, but the profiles really were designed for two completely different things.
I'm trying to get my Plantronics Pulsar 590a BT headset/headphone working. As the headphone and headset output devices are both identically called 590Plantronics, some apps bark, some crash and others won't let me select the second of the two. I've had a kernel panic, too.
Any idea how the output sound device names could be edited?
After some research on this, it seems that there is a serious problem with Bluetooth in 10.5 on late 2008 MacBook Pro and MacBook Air. My Samsung Blackjack Windows Mobile 5 phone which used to provide internet access to my previous MacBook Pro (2006) under Tiger is now completely unusable under Leopard on my new MacBook Pro (late 2008). It seems to work but the network speed is simply abysmal. Today, I just tried using my Plantronics 590 headset as headphones on it. This headset used to work just fine on my previous MacBook Pro, even under Leopard, but right now, there is a very serious distortion problem that makes using the headphone well, unusable again. It would seem from what I read that Apple did change the Bluetooth hardware in the late 2008 MacBook Pros and MacBook Air and the Bluetooth driver in Leopard are screwed up or, in other words, a piece of junk. I have read from many people that rebooting the same MacBook Pro under Windows in Boot Camp doesn't exhibit any Bluetooth problem. It seems that Microsoft is now better at writing drivers than Apple is. A real pity!
I use a MacBook Pro (Intel) at work. On the System Info page under Bluetooth I see Bluetooth software 2.0 and firmware version 3.1965. I have a Sony DR-BT10CX stereo headphone which I connect to my MBP and also stay handsfree on my Treo 750. Everything remains cool cool. I can stream my iTunes music to the headphones. Now when a call comes in, it neatly cuts off the music and allows me to complete that call, after which it neatly reverts back to my music. All this is seamless.
I have only a couple of problems. The first one is minor but the second one I really would miss out if I cannot find a solution soon:
1. There is a hissing noice which is nice to cut off
2. I want to direct music to an external speaker using the headphone jack on the MBP while music is streaming to my bluetooth headphone. This is now not possible because the jack gets cut off while I am using the bluetooth headphones. I tried to use the aggregator on the MIDI audio device to create an aggregate device out of the DR-BTCX10 and the internal speakers. No success so far only one or the other gets activated. I would appreciate if anyone can help me find a solution to this.
Any idea how to stream music via bluetooth to a Sony shelf system such as the CMT-HX5BT?