Capcost Information - posted in Student: Hello all, I'm a ChE senior. These questions and only get instructions on how to use the program. Specifically, the program they provide CapCOST should be updated from its current 2001 status. The program has a lot of things going wrong such as not calculating the grass roots cost. It should have a function to calculate the bare module cost within it.
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Helps students understand their responsibilities as chemical engineers in the broader society.
Gives students a powerful tool for estimating and costing virtually any chemical process.
Helps students become effective in the critical early stages of chemical engineering design.
Gives students insight into the entire process of chemical design, so they can contribute to any phase of the process.
Helps students prepare for the realities of chemical engineering practice.
Exposes students to the essential tools of the trade.
Helps students gain insight into chemical process design that typically takes years to learn through workplace trial and error.
Helps students improve the performance of existing processes.
Helps students anticipate the growing importance of process simulation in the chemical engineering profession.
Gives students a broad range of valuable tools they will be able to use both in the course of their studies and as members of the profession.
Helps faculty structure and customize courses for maximum student benefit.
5. Estimation of Capital Costs.Classifications of Capital Cost Estimates. Estimation of Purchased Equipment Costs. Estimating the Total Capital Cost of a Plant.
6. Estimation of Manufacturing Costs.Factors Affecting the Cost of Manufacturing a Chemical Product. Cost of Operating Labor. Utility Costs. Raw Material Costs. Yearly Costs and Stream Factors. Estimating Utility Costs from the PFD. Cost of Treating Liquid and Solid Waste Streams. Evaluation of Cost of Manufacture for the Production of Benzene via the Hydrodealkylation of Toluene.
7. Engineering Economic Analysis.Investments and the Time Value of Money. Different Types of Interest. Time Basis for Compound Interest Calculations. Cash Flow Diagrams. Calculations from Cash Flow Diagrams. Inflation. Depreciation of Capital Investment. Taxation, Cash Flow, and Profit.
8. Profitability Analysis.A Typical Cash Flow Diagram for a New Project. Profitability Criteria for Project Evaluation. Comparing Several Large Projects—Incremental Economic Analysis. Establishing Acceptable Returns from Investments—The Concept of Risk. Evaluation of Equipment Alternatives. Incremental Analysis for Retrofitting Facilities. Evaluation of Risk in Evaluating Profitability. Profit Margin Analysis.
9. Utilizing Experience-Based Principles to Confirm the Suitability of a Process Design.The Role of Experience in the Design Process. Presentation of Tables of Technical Heuristics and Guidelines.
10. Synthesis of the PFD from the Generic BFD.Information Needs and Sources. Reactor Section. Separator Section. Reactor Feed Preparation and Separator Feed Preparation Sections. Recycle Section. Environmental Control Section. Major Process Control Loops. Flow Summary Table. Major Equipment Summary Table.
11. Synthesis of a Process Using a Simulator and Simulator Troubleshooting.The Structure of a Process Simulator. Information Required to Complete a Process Simulation—Input Data. Handling Recycle Streams. Choosing Thermodynamic Models. Case Study—Toluene Hydrodealkylation Process.
12. Process Optimization.Background Information on Optimization. Strategies. Topological Optimization. Parametric Optimization. Lattice Search Techniques vs. Experimental Design. Process Flexibility and the Sensitivity of the Optimum.
13. Pinch Technology.Introduction. Heat Integration and Network Design. Composite Temperature Enthalpy Diagram. Composite Enthalpy Curves for Systems without a Pinch. Using the Composite Enthalpy Curve to Estimate Heat Exchanger Surface Area. Effectiveness Factor (F) and the Number of Shells. Combining Costs to Give the EAOC for the Network. Other Considerations. Heat Exchanger Network Synthesis Analysis and Design (HENSAD) Program. Mass-Exchange Networks.
14. Process Input/Output Models.Representation of Process Inputs and Outputs. Analysis of the Effect of Process Inputs on Process Outputs. A Process Example.
15. Tools for Evaluating Process Performance.Key Relationships. Thinking with Equations. Base Case Ratios. Analysis of Systems Using Controlling Resistances. Graphical Representations.
16. Performance Curves for Individual Unit Operations.Applications to Heat Transfer. Application to Fluid Flow. Application to Separation Problems.
17. Performance of Multiple Unit Operations.Analysis of a Reactor with Heat Transfer. Performance of a Distillation Column. Performance of a Heating Loop. Performance of the Feed Section to a Process.
18. Reactor Performance.Production of Desired Product. Reaction Kinetics and Thermodynamics. The Chemical Reactor. Heat Transfer in the Chemical Reactor. Reactor System Case Studies.
19. Regulating Process Conditions.A Simple Regulation Problem. The Characteristics of Regulating Valves. Regulating Flowrates and Pressures. The Measurement of Process Variables. Common Control Strategies Used in Chemical Processes. Exchanging Heat and Work between Process and Utility Streams. Case Studies.
20. Process Troubleshooting and Debottlenecking.Recommended Methodology. Troubleshooting Individual Units. Troubleshooting Multiple Units. A Process Troubleshooting Problem. Debottlenecking Problems.
21. Ethics and Professionalism.Ethics. Professional Registration. I2c seven segment drivers for mac. Legal Liability. Business Codes of Conduct.
22. Health, Safety, and the Environment.Risk Assessment. Regulations and Agencies. Fires and Explosions. Process Hazard Analysis. Chemical Safety and Hazard Investigation Board. Inherently Safe Design. Glossary.
23. Green Engineering.Environmental Regulations. Environmental Fate of Chemicals. Green Chemistry. Pollution Prevention during Process Design. Analysis of a PFD for Pollution Performance and Environmental Performance. An Example of the Economics of Pollution Prevention. Life-Cycle Analysis.
24. Chemical Product Design.Strategies for Chemical Product Design. Needs. Ideas. Selection. Manufacture. Batch Processing. Economic Considerations.
25. Teamwork.Groups. Group Evolution. Teams and Teamwork. Misconceptions. Learning in Teams. Other Reading.
26. Written and Oral Communications.Audience Analysis. Written Communication. Oral Communications. Software and Author Responsibility.
27. A Report Writing Case Study.The Assignment Memorandum. Response Memorandum. Visual Aids. Example Reports. Checklist of Common Mistakes and Errors.
Appendix A. Cost Equations and Curves for the CAPCOST Program.Purchased Equipment Costs. Pressure Factors. Material Factors and Bare Module Factors.
Appendix B. Information for the Preliminary Design of Four Chemical Processes.Production of Dimethyl Ether (DME) via the Dehydration of Methanol. Acrylic Acid Production via the Catalytic Partial Oxidation of Propylene. Production of Acetone via the Dehydrogenation of Isopropyl Alcohol (IPA). Production of Heptenes from Propylene and Butenes.
Appendix C. Design Projects (on companion CD-ROM).Project 1. Increasing the Production of 3-Chloro-1-Propene (Allyl Chloride) in Unit 600. Project 2. Design and Optimization of a New 20,000 Metric Tons per Year Facility to Produce Allyl Chloride at La Nueva Cantina, Mexico. Project 3. Scale-Down of Phthalic Anhydride Production at TBWS Unit 700. Project 4. The Design of a New, 100,000 Metric Tons per Year, Phthalic Anhydride Production Facility. Project 5. Problems at the Cumene Production Facility, Unit 800. Project 6. Design of a New, 100,000 Metric Tons per Year, Cumene Production Facility.
Index.This book represents the culmination of many years of teaching experience in the senior design course at West Virginia University (WVU) and University of Nevada, Reno. Although the program at WVU has evolved over the last thirty years and is still evolving, it is fair to say that the current program has gelled over the last fifteen years as a concerted effort by the authors to integrate 'design' throughout the undergraduate curriculum in chemical engineering.
We view design as the focal point of chemical engineering practice. Far more than the development of a set of specifications for a new chemical plant, design is the creative activity through which engineers continuously improve the operations of facilities to create products that enhance the quality of life. Whether developing the grass-roots plant, proposing and guiding process modifications, or troubleshooting and implementing operational strategies for existing equipment, engineering design requires a broad spectrum of knowledge and intellectual skills to be able to analyze the big picture and the minute details and, most important, to know when to concentrate on each.
Our vehicle for helping students develop and hone their design skills is process design rather than plant design, covering synthesis of the entire chemical process through topics relating to the preliminary sizing of equipment, flowsheet optimization, economic evaluation of projects, and the operation of chemical processes. The purpose of this text is to assist chemical engineering students in making the transition from solving well-posed problems in a specific subject to integrating all the knowledge that they have gained in their undergraduate education and applying this information to solving open-ended process problems. Many of the 'nuts and bolts' issues regarding plant design (for example, what schedule pipe to use for a given stream or what corrosion allowance to use for a vessel in a certain service) are not covered. Although such issues are clearly important to the practicing engineer, several excellent handbooks and textbooks are available to address such problems, and these are cited in the text where they apply.
In the second edition, we have rearranged material from the first edition and have added several new chapters. The new material includes the following:
As a result of our integrated approach to design, and in response to feedback on the first edition, we have rearranged and modularized this book into six sections:
This reorganization of material provides a more logical ordering of topics. In Section 1, the student is introduced first to the principal diagrams that are used to describe a chemical process. Next, the evolution and generation of different process configurations are covered. Finally, the analysis of existing processes is covered. In Section 2, the information needed to assess the economic feasibility of a process is covered. This includes the estimation of fixed capital investment and manufacturing costs, the concepts of the time value of money and financial calculations, and finally the combination of these costs into profitability measures for the process. Section 3 covers the synthesis of a chemical process. The minimum information required to simulate a process is given, as are the basics of using a process simulator. The choice of the appropriate thermodynamic model to use in a simulation is covered and the choice of separation operations is covered. In addition, process optimization and heat integration techniques are covered in this section. In Section 4, the analysis of the performance of existing processes and equipment is covered. The material in Section 4 is substantially different from that found in most textbooks. We consider equipment that is already built and operating and analyze how the operation can be changed, how an operating problem may be solved, and how to analyze what has occurred in the process to cause an observed change. In Section 5, the impact of chemical engineering design on society is covered. The role of the professional engineer in society is addressed. Separate chapters addressing ethics and professionalism, health, safety, and the environment, green engineering, and chemical product design are included. Finally, in Section 6, the interpersonal skills required by the engineer to function as part of a team and to communicate both orally and written are covered. An entire chapter is devoted to addressing some of the common mistakes that students make in written reports.
Finally, two appendices are included. Appendix A gives a series of cost charts for equipment. This information is embedded in the CAPCOST program for evaluating fixed capital investments and process economics. Appendix B gives the preliminary design information for four chemical processes: dimethyl ether, acrylic acid, acetone, and heptenes production. This information is used in many of the end-of-chapter problems in the book. These processes can also be used as the starting point for more detailed analyses, for example, optimization studies. Other projects are included on the CD accompanying this book. The reader (faculty and students) is also referred to our web site at
, where a variety of design projects for sophomore- through senior-level chemical engineering courses is provided. There is also a link to another web site that contains environmentally related design projects.
For a one-semester design course, we recommend including the following core:
For programs in which engineering economics is not a prerequisite to the design course, Section 2 (Chapters 5P8) should also be included. If students have previously covered engineering economics, Chapters 12 and 13 covering optimization and pinch technology could be substituted.
For the second term of a two-term sequence, we recommend Chapters 14 through 18 (and Chapters 12 and 13 if not included in the first design course) plus design projects. If time permits, we also recommend Chapter 19 (Regulating Process Conditions) and Chapter 20 (Process Troubleshooting) as these tend to solidify as well as extend the concepts of Chapters 14 through 18, that is, what an entry-level process engineer will encounter in the first few years of employment at a chemical process facility. For an environmental emphasis, Chapter 23 could be substituted for Chapters 19 and 20; however, it is recommended that supplementary material be included.
We have found that the most effective way both to enhance and to examine student progress is through oral presentations in addition to the submission of written reports. During these oral presentations, individual students or a student group defend their results to a faculty panel, much like a graduate student defends a thesis or dissertation.
As design is at its essence a creative, dynamic, challenging, and iterative activity, we welcome feedback on and encourage experimentation with this design textbook. We hope that students and faulty will find the excitement in teaching and learning engineering design that has sustained us over the years.