Infosys Campus Connect Study Material

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This case is set in April 2013, and discusses the key elements that have contributed to the success of Infosys Ltd’s Campus Connect Program (CC) in developing India’s IT talent over the past eight years. The CC programme had been developed by Infosys in response to a growing belief among India’s IT industry majors that the large number of fresh graduates they were looking to recruit from engineering colleges were neither readily employable nor sufficiently industry-ready. The programme was envisaged to address this problem through an industry-academia initiative that would architect the education experience of engineering students. The goal was to build a sustainable partnership with engineering education institutions for mutual benefit, producing high quality talent for the IT industry. This would be carried out through a range of programme components that Infosys would collaborate on and develop with academic institutions. The programme was launched in May 2004 with 70 colleges. By December 2012, the model had been sufficiently scaled up to cover 400 colleges, and more than 180,000 students and 8,300 faculty members across India had benefited from the programme’s technical and soft-skills training, and exposure to industry practices. Since CC’s launch, Infosys had experienced a measurable improvement in the quantity and quality of their new recruits. The benefit was truly significant given that over this period of time, the number of graduates recruited had multiplied from around 8,000 recruits in 2006, to over 20,000 recruits in 2012. Infosys had understood the value of creating a talent ecosystem, and this case explains just how, and why, Campus Connect has worked as a successful example of industry-academia partnership in the talent management space.

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Campus Connect

1) Computer Hardware and System Software Concept.

i) Computer Architecture ii) System Software iii) Operating System- File and Process.

iii) Operating Sytem-Device Management iv) CHSSC Assignments iv) Low Level Description

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v) High Level Description

2) Programming Fundamentals

i) PF Slides Day1 ii) PF Slides Day2 iii) PF Slides Day3 iv) PF Slides Day4

v) PF Project Specifications vi) PF Lab Guide vii) PF Assignments viii) HDD Programming Fundamentals

ix )LDD Programming Fundamentals

3) Relational Databse Management System

i) RDBMS Day1 ii) RDBMS Day 2 iii) RDBMS Day 3 iv) RDBMS Day 4 v)RDBMS Day 5 vi) RDBMS Day 6 vii) RDBMS Day 7 viii) RDBMS Lab Guide ix) Assignments on RDBMS x) HDD DBMS xi) LDD RDBMS

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4) Objective Oriented Concept.

i) Object Oriented Concepts ii)Casestudy Object Oriented Concepts iii) HDD Object Oriented Concepts

iv) LDD Object Oriented Concepts

5) Analysis of Algorithms

i) AOA Introduction Unit1 ii)AOA Prelude SE15 iii) AOA -Analysis of Well Known Algorithm

iv) AOA Analyzing Algorithms SE15 v) AOA Intractable Problems SE15 vi)AOA Code Tuning Unit 2

vii) Assignments AOA SE15 viii) HDD AOA SE15 ix) LDD AOA SE15

6) User Interface Design

i) User Interface Design an Appreciations ii) Case Study UID iii) Assignment User Interface Design

iv) HDD User Interface Design v)LDD User Interface Design

7) System Design Methodology

i) SDM Chapter 1 ii) SDM Chapter 2 iii) SDM Chapter 3 iv) SDM Chapter 4 v) SDM Chapter 5 vi) SDM Chapter 6

vii) SDM HDD viii) SDM LDD ix) HDD SDM SE01 x) LDD SDM SE01 xi) Challenges of Software Development

8) Client Server Concept

i) Client Server Concepts ii) Assignments Client Server Concepts iii)HDD Client Server Concepts

iv) LDD Client Server Concepts


9) Introduction to Web Architecture

i) Introduction to Web Architecture Chapter 1 ii) Introduction to Web Architecture Chapter 2

iii) Assignments Introductionto Web Architecture iv) HDD Introduction to Web Architecture

v) LDD Introduction to Web Architecture

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